The Lost Collective

Supporting workplaces and healthcare professionals in the baby loss conversation

Losing a baby during pregnancy or beyond is devastating. And although the statistics tell us how common it is, this doesn’t make the experience any less distressing.

Many people are left with little to no support. Family, friends and colleagues often feel lost, not knowing what to say or do to help.

We want to change this

from dilemma to solution

Those who experience baby loss repeatedly report feeling alone, isolated and misunderstood. They don’t know where to go for support or guidance.

Workplaces and healthcare settings often report feeling deskilled and unsure how to help those who have lost a baby. They don’t know where to find the right support for their people.

The Loss Collective provides expert training and consultation to organisations and healthcare professionals. Their resource library is also freely accessible to anyone looking for the right support for them.

By equipping everyone with knowledge and skills, we believe we can make a difference to the way in which we support those who have experienced pregnancy and baby loss. That way, no one will have to navigate their grief alone

We provide training and support to organisations of all sizes to enable them to provide excellent support to their staff who have experienced baby loss

Our workplace services can also include 1:1 consultations with employees who would like guidance on where and how to access the right support for them following their loss

We provide training and consultation to Healthcare Professionals to support them in providing evidence based, trauma informed care to their clients as well as making sure they feel supported themselves

Our directory of resources and information can be accessed by anyone looking for high quality guidance and support following baby loss

Our training and resources are:

Developed by expert clinicians with over 40 years of experience in the fields of midwifery and mental health

Facilitated by those with experience in training both healthcare professionals and large global organisations

Informed by the most up to date research and evidence base

With the voices of the baby loss community at its core